Pharmacy technician smiles behind the counter with shelves of medicine in backgroundThe time it takes to complete a pharmacy technician program depends on several factors. These include whether the student attends full-time or part-time, whether they acquire specialized certifications, and the type of degree awarded.

In the Miami, FL, area, students can earn a diploma at The Praxis Institute in less than two years. This healthcare training prepares graduates to take the exam from the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCE). After successfully passing the exam, graduates are ready to work as Certified Pharmacy Technicians.

Work as a Pharmacy Technician

There are several different roles and job functions that pharmacy technicians perform, depending on their skills and the type of organization in which they find employment. All pharmacy technicians operate under the direction of licensed pharmacists, meaning they complete only tasks that have been authorized by a pharmacist.

Pharmacy technicians may assist in the preparation of prescription medications. They might also count out pills and package them, work directly with customers who need prescriptions, track medication inventory, handle phone calls from medical offices, and log patient information. Job settings where pharmacy technicians work include:

  • Pharmacies and drug stores
  • Grocery stores
  • Hospitals and managed healthcare organizations
  • Assisted-living facilities
  • Wholesale and mail-order pharmacies
  • Compounding pharmacies

As part of the comprehensive pharmacy technician program at The Praxis Institute, students participate in externships, where they gain real-world experience. This is an important part of the program that allows students to explore what kinds of tasks and settings most appeal to them. In addition, our career services department provides guidance and resources for both students and program graduates as they prepare for employment.

State Regulations and Licensing for Pharmacy Technicians

Rules regarding qualifications, experience, and licensure for pharmacy technicians vary by state. Some states allow on-the-job training for pharmacy technicians, others require healthcare training in an accredited pharmacy technician program. Not all states require national certification, but some demand registration with the state pharmacy board.

When registration is required, each state has distinct requirements. However, completing a pharmacy technician program and earning national certification is a good first step to working in any state. Students enrolled in qualified programs are exposed to a variety of skill sets and work settings, providing them the opportunity for a wider choice in employment and future advancement.

Some regulatory requirements are determined by specialized tasks, such as compounding. This is the process of combining and mixing medications, under the supervision of a pharmacist, utilizing safety protocols in a sterile environment.

The Praxis Institute is an accredited training provider for preparing students to take an additional exam from the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board. After completing this additional exam, graduates are board certified as Compounded Sterile Preparation Technicians.

Invest Your Time in a Pharmacy Technician Program

The Praxis Institute offers students excellent training with qualified instructors. Take advantage of a pharmacy technician program that is priced competitively and can be completed in a relatively short period.

Our rolling enrollment schedule for diploma programs allows students to start learning right away, without significant waiting periods. There is also built-in schedule flexibility. We offer part of the program curriculum online. However, all laboratory and practice components are taught in person because this is where a traditional learning model works best.

We prepare our students to perform well in externships throughout the community, where they can learn on the job, develop a network of contacts for future opportunities, and add significant experience to their resumes.

Discover Healthcare Training at The Praxis Institute

The mission of The Praxis Institute is to offer healthcare training that provides employable skills for our students. Eligible students may receive financial aid to help with program costs. Our campus locations in Miami and Hialeah, FL, are convenient and accessible. Don’t wait to start your career in healthcare! The pharmacy field offers chances to help people, develop new skills, and find satisfying work opportunities. If a career as a pharmacy technician appeals to you, please contact us for more information.